My Happy Marriage is an anime adaptation of the light novel also having the same name. The content is written by Akumi Agitogi and the illustration is done by Tsukiho Tsukioka. The anime received a global release on 5th July 2023 which is produced by Kinema Citrus. The Anime has launched its debut episode called The Meeting and we are here to talk about the same.
So, what you might enjoy or not enjoy from My Happy Marriage Ep 1 The Meeting. Or should you watch the anime in the first place or not? Let us find out.
Table of Contents
Things You Might Enjoy From My Happy Marriage Ep 1 The Meeting
The Narrative
The story is based on 19th C Japanese Saimori Household. The narrative is focused on the eldest daughter of the house, Miyo Saimori. She meets an abusive life right after her mother passes away for a mysterious reason. Her father, stepmother, and step-sister treat her like a burden and couldn’t care less if she is gone for good.
The only positive energy was Toji who had romantic feelings for Miyo. He was a friend to Miyo and wanted to do anything to keep Miyo smiling. He knew about Miyo’s abusive family and wanted to save her sincerely. But unfortunately, due to family responsibilities, he gets pushed to marry Miyo’s step-younger sibling Kaya Saimori.
Now Miyo is left to be married off to Kiyoka Kudo who is notorious for his cold and cruel personality. Since there is no way out, Miyo Saimori accepts her father’s decision and leaves for good from her father’s home to Kudo residency for acknowledging the marriage proposal.
Well, as an audience I was watching a quiet provocative scenario where the eldest daughter of the family was emotionally and physically abused. She was not cared for and was considered a mere servant of the household. Her father didn’t ever care to bid her away.
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She was struggling with her life and there was no one to call her own. Her daily life was miserable. So, when she reached Kudo’s house, the warm greetings from Yurie the servant of the Kudo Home were a delight. It seemed, that there was a shift in the air.
Yurie takes Miyo to meet Kiyoka Kudo, the family head. I was not thrilled about the meeting because the apparent impression of Kiyoka Kudo was skeptical. However, the moment Kiyoka Kudo says, that he didn’t ask for an apology something hit me hard. I felt that this man is going to be her Home.
The way she was treated in her entire life till now was nothing but emotional and physical abuse. Miyo was made to feel that she is nothing but a burden to the family. Hence apologizing is a pretty common gesture from her end. She was in fact, apologizing for being alive all the time.
But Kiyoka’s sentence genuinely made me happy. The sentence appeared as a ray of hope in this girl’s fortune.
And then the magical thing happened. Miyo instantly fell in love with the pale-looking beautiful man Kiyoka Kudo. The very instant seemed like a flower coming out of the snow. She felt that her life will move ahead now. The view was so mesmerizing that she just couldn’t take her eyes away from Kiyoka Kudo.
I liked the narrative so very much that I can’t just wait for the second episode to air now.
The Characters
Miyo Saimori is the female lead who is very polite, kind, and lovable but extremely lonely. She carries the burden of emotional trauma, which was extremely relatable. I am sure many of my readers will be able to feel her. Well, My Happy Marriage might be an anime, but her life somehow projected many similar lives of the eldest daughter of several households.
She is responsible but never appreciated. Her own father couldn’t care less of her thoughts and opinions while her stepmom and sister basked in her misery. She was hopeless but not a quitter. Her sensitive soul experiences a sudden shift in energy when she enters Kudo’s residency. And finally, when she sits face to face with Kiyoka Kudo everything changes as she stares at the beautiful face of her would-be husband.
Her family was nothing less than toxic and abusive. Toji was a nice person, but his cowardice shut him off. The housemaids were generous. They were polite to Miyo at least.
However, I liked Yurie a lot. Her warm smile and greetings to Miyo were pleasing to watch. She might be the first person who did not know Miyo but she appreciated her then and there. It was genuinely nice.
Just like Miyo, I also liked Kiyoka Kudo. His presence was enough to invite a fresh breeze of positivity into the plot. He spoke very little but this little interaction was sufficient to deliver the scaffold of his positive personality. Let’s find out more about this young gentleman in the next episode.
The Ending
The ending of My Happy Marriage Ep 1 The Meeting is hopeful. After watching our Asian Cinderella struggle with her birth family all this time, when she arrives at the Kudo home, I was not expecting anything else but more challenges.
In fact, I was unsure what fate holds for our heroine when we learn that Kiyoka Kudo is cold and cruel; hence his previous engagements were dissolved within 3 days every time. But the ending was unexpectedly blissful. The air was magical indeed.
The Production
The production house Kinema Citrus of My Happy Marriage Ep 1 The Meeting did an amazing job. I loved the direction by Takehiro Kubota. The plot is co-written by Ami Satō, Takahito Ōnishi, and Momoka Toyoda, and the soft and gentle music is orchestrated by Evan Call. I loved every minute of “The Meeting” and I hope you do as well.
Things You Might Not Like About My Happy Marriage Ep 1 The Meeting
On an honest note, I loved the episode. But if you have anything which you didn’t like, feel free to comment down below.
TOTT’s Take On My Happy Marriage Ep 1 The Meeting
I loved the show and right now I am eagerly waiting for the second episode to drop. This was my take on the My Happy Marriage Ep 1 The Meeting. Now I would like to hear about your thoughts and opinions on the show.
You are invited to write down your views on My Happy Marriage Ep 1 The Meeting here in the comment section below.
But this is all for today. Hope to meet you all very soon in our next publication.
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BYE BYE, my TOTTers.