Tale Of The Town is a town for all anime fans, weebs, and cinephiles from around the world. This is Shreyasi and you can refer to me as TOTT and I call my audience TOTTers.
I create blogs on episode-wise reviews, catch up on special moments of the show, talk and rate the primary characters of the shows, and recommend content (anime/movies/series) while finding out the deep underlying meanings of the discussed shows.
See, I believe that, there are numerous individuals out there who love and appreciate the above-mentioned types of content. Therefore, Tale Of The Town is here to develop a community that would love and appreciate this particular domain and contribute to the platform by sharing their individual thoughts and opinions on the discussion made. You are also very much welcome to recommend ideas in regard to content creation.
Make sure to check TOTT’s social handles from down here to stay notified of TOTT’s daily publications. Plus you can subscribe TOTT to get alerts via email as soon as I publish any post here…
Now, for any type of query, do write to me at talktous@taleofthetown.in