The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today Ep 11 Review – With Spoilers


The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today Ep 11 showed us another day at the Fukuzawa household. But we got to learn a lot about other things in the process. We will cover everything as we move on. 

but for now, let us get going with-

The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today Ep 11 Picture Credit GoHand Studios
The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today Ep 11 Picture Credit GoHand Studios

The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today Ep 11 – Narrative 

So, the narrative of The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today Ep 11 is typical. The cat is busy showing off and being all impressed at his own dexterity. He wants to offer Saku an amazing life for precious cat food. However, Saku’s unwillingness to go to work disappoints the cat. He even considers abandoning Saku.

But since it is payday, Saku says as soon she returns they will enjoy some quality time sipping premium alcohol and having premium cat food, which they do of course at the end of the first story. 

The next story was all about Saku gaining weight. I would say it was Yukichi’s fault in the beginning. His growing talent in preparing mouthwatering dishes makes Saku wait for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, we all have seen the smile on Saku’s face while she eats. 

They both give their best and end up successful in their motive of losing weight. However we get to watch, Yukichi being transformed into a shaped well-toned muscular body. But Saku’s determination to lose weight stops their night jogging session which eventually brings back our chubby Yukichi.

The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today Ep 11 Picture Credit GoHand Studios
The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today Ep 11 Picture Credit GoHand Studios

In the next story, we learn that Yuri from Saku’s office is actually cousins with Rio from the departmental shop. Rio’s crush on Saku makes her question about Saku to Yukichi, which confuses Yukichi a lot. On the other hand, when Rio talks about her experience with Saku, Yuri in her mind sees Saku taking care of the situation which is surprising and uncalled for. 

Next, we see Yukichi is all excited about having cat grass salad which Saku consumes and causes a lot of chaos in the process. In the first narrative, we see, that Yukichi wanted to leave Saku for a good master, like a masterful master. But in this part of The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today Ep 11, we once again see, terrified Yukichi almost on the brink of crying out loud because he was all worried about Saku.

But thanks to the grandma living beside them, we learn that Yukichi’s cat grass is basically oat and barley grass which is nutritious for health. Saku ended up going to the potty a lot of times that day and she was okay.

The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today Ep 11 informs us about the foods that are toxic for cats, which was undeniably a nice addition to the episode.

In the last part of The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today Ep 11 gives us how Yukichi won’t be able to take Saku being like him. On the other hand, Saku believes if Yukichi turns like her, he would just be another norther normal cat but a huge one.

The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today Ep 11 Picture Credit GoHand Studios
The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today Ep 11 Picture Credit GoHand Studios

Things I Liked From The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today Ep 11

  • I loved Yukichi’s enthusiasm in preparing Saku yummy mouthwatering foods for her work day. The presentation was so wholesome and it perfectly made me jealous of Saku. I also, loved how the two enjoyed a blissful time after work, where Saku enjoyed her hard-earned money with premium beer and Yukichi with premium cat food.
  • I loved that Yukichi helped Saku get back in her required weight. The moment of truth was hard on Yukichi, he was shaking with fear. It was hilarious especially when Saku added her opinion about Yukichi in the background. I also liked how Saku in the middle of her jogging sessions commented on Yukichi’s cycling skill. She was surprised at the talent of her cat as well, which is obvious. I loved the imaginative skill of Japanese manga artists. I am talking here about Hituzi Yamad. Saku gets back to her needed weight and Yukichi gets muscular. Yes, it was odd to watch a cat appearing all muscular. He even bought a T-shirt going ‘No Cat No Life’, I wonder which brand makes such personalized T-shirts, or was it Yukichi who made the T-shirt himself?
  • Now, the audience learns that Yuri and Rio are cousins and they share a cordial relationship with each other. I was surprised when Rio’s narrative made Yuri picture Saku in the true story. 
  • Now, in the cat grass narrative, I liked how Yukichi was not ready to waste any moment and take Saku to the nearest hospital. He was ready with insurance and money. Also, did you all notice, he was on the verge of crying out loud? He was desperate to save Saku’s life. This portion of the narrative also gave us a brief that cat and human should eat their separate ideas of nutritious food to stay happy and healthy.
  • Next, we see, that Yukichi is scared of Saku transforming into him. He is indeed terrified. But we all know what happened in reality. It was Yukichi who transformed into Saku in real. 

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The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today Ep 11 – While Concluding

So, this was my review of The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today Ep 11. I loved the episode. There were love, happiness, and blissful moments that made me look at our precious life. We also gained significant information about cat foods. Once again we saw how much Yukichi loves making Saku’s life easy and how much he cares for her. Also, he won’t like Saku turning into him. 

Any way The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today Ep 11 was great. 

Now, tell me in the comments how much you liked The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today Ep 11. Also, don’t forget to mention if I forgot to talk about any points from the narrative.

But, this is it for today, I hope to meet you all very soon for my next publication.

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But BYE BYE, for now, hope you have a wonderful day ahead.