Why Nausicaä Is The Queen That We All Deserve In Our Life?


Miyazaki’s Nausicaä is a shining example of empathy, love, and humanity. I can’t deny she is a skillful fighter as well. Her unique gift for communicating with giant insects and empathizing with all living beings has inspired many to approach the world with a kinder heart.

Here are 5 strong reasons that prove Nausicaä deserves the Queen spot. Let us get going with-

5 Significant Reasons That Prove Nausicaä’s Excellence In The Studio Ghibli Universe

1st Compassion for Giant Insects

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Source Studio Ghibli
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Source Studio Ghibli

Nausicaä’s exceptional talent in communicating with and understanding the giant, trilobite-like armored Ohms is a clear indication of her deep concern for all living creatures. Rather than being afraid or hostile towards these beings, she acknowledges their vital role in the ecosystem and actively strives for peaceful coexistence. This empathetic bond with the intimidating insects distinguishes Nausicaä and establishes her as a mediator between humanity and nature.

2nd Courageous Stand Against Tolmekian Troops

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Source Studio Ghibli
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Source Studio Ghibli

It’s truly inspiring to see how Nausicaä fearlessly confronts the Tolmekian troops who are invading her valley. She shows inexhaustible courage in the face of overwhelming odds, standing up for her people and challenging the militaristic forces.

It was heartwrenching to watch the princess who recently lost her father, can’t spend time in mourning but rather stand strong with her people and not kill anyone in the process from the enemy clan.

Her act of bravery truly establishes her as a strong and determined leader who won’t back down when faced with adversity. It’s clear that Nausicaä is someone who truly cares about her community and is willing to do whatever it takes to protect them.

3rd Discovering the Secret Garden and Unraveling Mysteries

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Source Studio Ghibli
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Source Studio Ghibli

It’s truly inspiring to see Nausicaä’s boundless curiosity and intelligence shining throughout the story. She has a secret garden full of lush jungle plants, which she takes great care of. As she delves deeper into researching these non-toxic plants, she uncovers vital information about the pollution plaguing the Toxic Jungle.

Nausicaä’s tireless dedication to solving the mysteries of her world and finding solutions is truly remarkable. Her resourcefulness and proactive approach make her an outstanding protagonist who sets an excellent example for us all.

4th Rescuing Pejite Pilot and Exploring the Non-Toxic Area

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Source Studio Ghibli
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Source Studio Ghibli

It’s truly distinctive to witness Nausicaä’s unyielding determination as she embarks on her mission to save Pejite pilot Asbel. Her ingenuity and versatility are on full display when she discovers a non-toxic area beneath the Toxic Jungle, which is a testament to her exceptional problem-solving skills. It’s evident that Nausicaä is capable of navigating through difficult situations and her resilience is truly admirable.

5th Harmony with Ohms and Fulfillment of Prophecy

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Source Studio Ghibli
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Source Studio Ghibli

It’s hard not to feel moved by the climax of the story. Nausicaä saving the baby Ohm and the consequential montage exhibiting her connection with the Ohms is truly profound. Later when she fulfills the prophecy of being their savior, it’s a moment that truly leaves an impact.

Watching her walk atop the golden Ohm tentacles, covered in their blood, is a powerful symbol of the harmony between humanity and nature. Nausicaä’s role in averting a catastrophic conflict and her bond with the Ohms make her a truly awe-inspiring and transformative figure in the narrative.

While TOTT Wraps

If you haven’t watched Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind well you must then. The movie offers a rich and thought-provoking cinematic experience, combining beautiful animation, compelling characters, and profound themes. Whether you’re a fan of anime, environmental storytelling, or Miyazaki’s work, this film is a gem worth exploring.

I loved the movie and enjoyed it thoroughly every time I watched it.

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But, this is it for today, hope to meet you all very soon for my next publication.


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