Rurouni Kenshin Ep 12 Okashira – Aoshi Shinomori Review *Spoilers*


Rurouni Kenshin Ep 12 finally throws light on Shinomori Aoshi. After all the announcements made about his stupendous power by his team members, I was really excited to witness what happens between Himura Kenshin and the Oniwaban group’s leader. Aoshi is an unbeatable person whose presence on screen is charismatic and extravagant.

Undoubtedly it was something worth the hype and wait. On this very note let us get going with-

Things I Liked From Rurouni Kenshin Ep 12 Okashira – Aoshi Shinomori

So, the episode quickly begins from the edge where it ended in the last one. Kenshin faces the ultimate leader of the Oniwaban group, Shinomori Aoshi. Without answering any of Kenshin’s questions, Aoshi clearly says that he is willing to answer everything using his weapon of choice if only Kenshin uses Sakabato. 

After the opening credits, we are finally introduced to Aoshi’s weapon of choice for the forthcoming fight which is a wakizashi. Both Yahiko and Kenshin consider the weapon won’t be troublesome. However, what Aoshi had in store for them was beyond their expectation.

The quick blows made by that moderate-sized sword paired with his dexterity and his Kenpo techniques, were something new to me and to them. 

So it turns out that, Aoshi is himself a Kenpo master which stuns both Kenshin and Yahiko. Han’nya was his apprentice. Therefore his unprecedented moves were miscalculated by the opponent. 

Rurouni Kenshin Ep 12 Okashira - Aoshi Shinomori Source Liden Films
Rurouni Kenshin Ep 12 Okashira – Aoshi Shinomori Source Liden Films

I can’t deny that the sword dance suddenly performed by Aoshi was expected. It was certainly amazing and dangerous. His depiction of this fresh style caught Kenshin by surprise which was successful in injuring the hero fatally.

From the very beginning, we find that Yahiko is confident about the outcome of the fight. And this is something predictable as well. But when Kenshin got inflicted with the deadly blow, not only Yahiko but I was shocked as well. 

Nonetheless, Yahiko’s brave words were truly impressive. In earlier episodes countless times Yahiko has shown his neverending bravery and persistence. This time as well, he shouts out his courageous words with utter determination. 

Thankfully Kenshin wakes up and takes control of the plot point, shocking Aoshi. What Kenshin says was genuine, Yahiko is a precious successor of Kamiya Kassinryu right??

At some point, I wondered if Kenshin was a bit overconfident. Yes, he is definitely the strongest however Aoshi is not someone who must be taken lightly at all. His sharp gaze showered his confidence. Additionally, his excellence in his line of profession was marvelous. I enjoyed every second of their one-on-one battle.  

However, Kenshin takes control of the fight like every time confusing Aoshi a lot. Aoshi too acknowledges that Kenshin is the strongest in the era which drives him more to acquire the title. 

Anyways, Kenshin’s impeccable wit and experience from his past battles, help him enjoy his victory. Yes, I knew it was coming but, I assumed it would come towards the end of the episode. 

I must say, that I appreciate Kenshin’s policy for life, where he values the people who are waiting for his return are more significant to him. This ideology of his life is so important that he is all ready to give up the title of being the strongest to Aoshi.

Aoshi being a leader was in complete denial that he could lose. The two strong blows on his neck landed by Kenshin were deadly. However, Aoshi cannot accept his defeat at all, which is pretty understandable. The flashback arranged, made it clear actually.

Aoshi also has a ‘never-quit’ attitude which is essentially impressive. I was surprised to watch him standing strong after being unconscious for 10 seconds. He wanted Kenshin to kill him, however Kenshin being a Rurouni could not. Therefore he asks, Aoshi to determine himself who is the victor of the magnificent battle fought in Rurouni Kenshin Ep 12. 

The episode was packed with narration which simplified Aoshi’s past. But what he reveals towards the end about the Oniwaban group and why he did not choose any official posts was genuinely soulful. See, by now we have perceived the individuality of Kenshin pretty well. Therefore it was natural for him to thank his friends time and again. 

However, this marvelous individual, Aoshi, simply could not abandon his comrades to live a life of officials. It would be cheating his position as the leader.

He warns Kenshin which was pretty obvious from his end as well. 

It’s true — the dates for Prime Big Deal Days are official. Mark your calendars for October 10 and 11

Now let us talk about Kanryu. This miscreant, laughed really hard bringing an end to a thoughtful conversation between the strongest and the second strongest. A few minutes back we watched an underling come in and instill some evil idea that Kanryu considers from his heart.

And here we are finally aware of what he brought from the foreign land to dominate his area with his criminal activity. He unveils a Gatling gun and starts firing mercilessly after introducing the same to his opponents.

The repetitive explosions startles everyone around.

So, Han’nya returns, and his honorable words spoken to Sanosuke are impressive. He was worried about Aoshi. His conversation with Shikijo was also something worth a talk. Further, we are reintroduced with Beshimi and Hyottoko while they rest. I find that each of them is really close and shares a good bond. 

Kanryu is seriously an evil person who was using the Gatling gun with murderous intent. His motive behind having the Gattling gun was another corner of his twisted soul.

I totally liked it when Shikijo ran to save Aoshi from the deadly bullets. It proved how much Aoshi’s comrades loved him as their leader. He takes all the bullets and saves Aoshi at the end. 

What I found really menacing was that Kanryu was confused as to whom to shoot first, it was really disturbing. But he portrayed his true villainous brain here in his juncture.

TOTT’s Take on Rurouni Kenshin Ep 12

So, I loved how the episode began, how it transitioned, and how it ended. The shocking ending of Rurouni Kenshin Ep 12 gave us some days to wait patiently for what awaits in the next episode. There was a lot of information narrated in this episode which gave us a detailed overview of why the leader of the Oniwaban group was this cold yet empathetic towards his comrades. And without a doubt, he is an honorable fighter which I genuinely loved about this man.

The anticipated fight was to the point. It was an exceptional battle between two equals. However, the victor won the position because he had the intellect to learn about his opponent while being in action. It is truly an exhibition of skilfulness though. 

It’s true — the dates for Prime Big Deal Days are official. Mark your calendars for October 10 and 11

I also liked when Kenshin appreciated Yahiko for expressing his courage and feelings for Kenshin, in front of a dextrous being like Aoshi.

Now, I hope I have included all the important points from Rurouni Kenshin Ep 12. If by any chance I have missed out on any, please do let me in the comment section below.

But, this is it for today, hope to meet you all very soon for my next publication.

Till then, go through Jujutsu Kaisen S2 Ep 33 Shibuya Incident – Gate, Open Review & Breakdown *Spoilers Ahead*

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BYE BYE, my TOTTers.