Drifting Home(2022) is an anime movie which is written and directed by Hiroyasu Ishida. The film is a production of Studio Colorida which shows a history of being released simultaneously in Japanese theaters and on Netflix on 16th September 2022.
I took time to finally watch the flick and come here to suggest whether you should be watching the content in the first place or not. On that note let us get going with-
Table of Contents
Things You Might Like About Drifting Home(2022)
The Narrative
The narrative of the story includes 6 kids soon to be teenagers, strangled in a never-ending struggle to find their home. They are captivated in a drifting home, where they suffer several pragmatic challenges like drinking water and food shortage, the basic amenities of life, and missing out on their family. This situation brings them face-to-face to what the real world looks like.
The story might appear very trivial from a superficial perspective. However, the dialogues, coupled with the montages show us a deeper meaning of life. Actually, I felt a connection with Natsume, therefore I somehow managed to understand what she was going through the entire time.
I found the story very interesting, mystical, quite profound, and certainly relatable. The narrative was pretty pronounced on the fact, that wherever we might drift away, nothing can make us happy, feel at peace, or comforted than our home. It was beautifully presented combining layer after layer in the narrative, which I enjoyed.
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The Characters
The characters Kosuke and Natsume are the essential leads of the movie who lets the audience realize how much the people we have in our life are important. The people surrounding us in life build us, they define our personalities and make us produce beautiful memories. Their friendship was deep, and even though they shared some difficulties after Yasuji’s death, their bond was rekindled when they found each other losing one another once again. It was beautiful.
The other characters were simply put in the narrative to add depth to the process of character development of the leads in the movie. The kids were there to make Kosuke and Natsume understand how much they value each other and the memories they created with one another.
I was shocked by the characterization of Noppo. He is a manifestation of cordial energy or we can also call him a spirit who was there since the building was constructed. He kept his silent eyes on this best of friends for a long time. Their good time made Noppo happy. This characterization was very profound according to me. His presence in the narrative made me consider enjoying every second of my existence because positive energy makes good time, right?
The Production
The direction was good, the music was heartfelt, the graphics were very fresh and the cinematography was very intense. The production worked their finest to create such a visually attractive, engaging, and interesting story. I liked it.
The Ending
The ending was nice. The children returning back to their life was a delight. They had a hard struggle fighting over a never-ending puzzle while floating aimlessly in the drifting home. So, when they return back in their usual life it was a pleasure to the eyes. However, the quick end-dialogue passed on by Kosuke’s mother was eerie, isn’t it?
Things You Not Might Like About Drifting Home(2022)
I liked the movie drifting home satisfactorily, hence there is nothing to complain about. But I am very eager to know what’s your call on this movie. Do let us know in the comment section below.
TOTT’s Take On Drifting Home(2022)
So, the movie is a light-hearted one, even though there were stormy days, uncertainties floating around, and an aimless quest to return home. The story has a deep insight which I enjoyed. The coming-of-age fantasy anime movie should be considered to watch on a weeknight, after-work leisure time. You can stream the same on Netflix right now.
I am delighted to rate the movie
But this is all for today. Hope to meet you all very soon in our next publication. Please do share your thoughts and opinions on Drifting Home in the comment section below.
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BYE BYE, my TOTTers.