Going through a recap will let you aware of the fact about, why Homelander from The Boys S3 Ep 1 is suffering? He is genuinely put through unnumbered humiliating positions because of the entire Stormfront case.
Yes, we all know, how scary, this guy can be at times, however, the situation through which this man is put, appears cryptic and fearsome, for we never know when this Supe will lose his patience with the whole thing going on.
So, which were your instances of Homelander from The Boys S3 Ep 1 that made you speechless or daunted?
Well, TOTT is here with some collection. Make sure to check and comment down. So, here we begin with-
8 Moments Of Homelander From The Boys S3 Ep 1 That Were Daunting While Being Speechless Too, Ranked
8th-The Interview
At the premiere of the movie Dawn Of The Seven, we watch the Supe, being questioned several times about his affair with Stormfront, to which he constantly nods and answers that he fell in love with the wrong woman.
However, by repeating his answers quite a number of times, his enraged eyes totally give us creeps, since it indicates if this whining of the public does not stop, he might laser out without thinking anything straight for sure.
7th-His Meeting With Deep
Without a question when Deep refers to this man as Bro we all felt the kick-off, isn’t it? Certainly, Homelander is no bro to Deep, then the whole interview slot thing was again a triggering point. Yes, we all sensed the spine-chilling situation just as Deep felt.
6th-The Encounter With A-Train
Well, the bully is disturbed right now, so, staying all cool with the guy is what is prescribed. However, A-Train did not think it through and we all once again felt the bone-chilling situation, right?
YOU SHOULD READ 8 Moments Of The Boys S3 Ep 1 That Made You React, Ranked
5th-The Meeting With Edgar Stan
It was totally uncalled for, nevertheless, the man played his cards very nicely, don’t you think? The idea of making Starlight the co-captain is nothing but a shocking change imposed directly on Homelander which certainly did not feel right. The prospect is kind of dangerous for our virtuous Supe at Vought.
4th-Starligt Takes Up The Challange
However she is brave and simply amazing, therefore straight away takes up the new impractical additionally too life risky position of Co-caption at Vought. The forced grin on Homelanders face says it all.
3rd-His Interview With Cameron Coleman
After his brief talk with Deep, Homelander’s interview with Coleman again puts the same irritating question in front of him, i.e, was he really not aware of Stormfront’s real motive, her being a Nazi? He delivers to the audience the same old lines, that he fell in love with the wrong woman. The way he speaks precisely seemed daunting,assumably where he lasers out Cam.
But the extra lines that he adds, where he states that he might be bulletproof from the outside but not from inside, his heart is humane like the rest of us was something that seemed actual, and thus we went speechless.
2nd-The Visit To Butcher
Again a very unplanned decision that Homelander took out of nowhere, he went to team up with his nemesis, well what was he thinking? But in this case, we did not feel scared, since Butcher is the only one who can stand headfast with a smirk in front of this Supe. So, we went speechless.
1st-The Conversation With Stormfront
Well, without a doubt, The Boys is a very dark show, and evidently, this scene is one of the most repulsive situations of this season for sure. The part was not only unhealthy but was also very unpleasant. However, the disagreement that arises between the lovers kind of seemed scary as Homelander grew annoyed and we can never know, what cooks into his mind.
So, these are our ranking of those moments of Homelander from The Boys S3 Ep 1? Do you agree with our ranking? Don’t forget to share your thoughts and opinions in the comment box below.
But this is all for today, hope to meet you all very soon in our next publication, Bye-Bye…