Yatora Yaguchi from Blue Period is a very inspirational individual who taught himself the magic of art from scratch and slowly headed up with his hidden talent of painting in the store. In due course of the anime, we watch Yaguchi creating various pieces of painting, some captured the eyes, while some are easily forgettable.
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Now which Yatora Yaguchi painting made you ponder. Well, this is what TOTT considers, as some of the best of Yatora Yaguchi from Blue Period paintings. Therefore we ranked them as well.
So, here we go with-
TOP 7 Yatora Yaguchi From Blue Period Paintings That Struck Your Heart; ***Ranked***
1st- The Blue Painting
His first and definitely one of the enchanting pieces of work that actually made him decide to take up painting as his future.
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2nd- The F100 BOND
Since the actual idea of his BOND painting lacked depth, this gave him definite space to forge something, new, mighty and vigorous. So, he does, and this is unquestionably amazing.
3rd- The First Day At Entrance Exam
He experimented with a new technique that deliberately gave him a result that was promising. It was something new, desperate, and utterly innovative.
4th- The Naked Self
Without Yuka, getting a chance as such was beyond imagination right? Yatora takes up the opportunity to get refreshed and once again experiment with his time and skill. This not only helps him build something encouraging later in his prep school but also helps him with his next assignment for the entrance exam.
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5th- The Second Day Assignment
Well, the first day of the second test was surely terrible, however, that did not stop him from being expectant and hopeful. He studies the entire room and again experiments with his limits, thus achieving the result that he hoped for.
6th- The Emotional Creativity
For this we should thank Takahashi, isn’t it? If he did not act cold, then Yaguchi wouldn’t have worked so emotionally hard for creating such a wonderful memorable piece, right?
7th- The Bond
The idea of a bond significantly suggests a thread in common ideology, and that is what Yatora clearly manifested in his painting. Although the artwork lacked depth and was certainly not one of his best, however, it was something worth remembering, right?
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So these are our picks from the anime. Now, what do you think about the selections? Do you agree with us? Don’t forget to share your thoughts on the numbers in the comment box below.
But this is all for today, hope to meet you very all soon in our next publication. Bye- Bye…