7 Studio Ghibli Siblings Ranked From Least To Best


Studio Ghibli undoubtedly won the mass with their simple picturesque, basic graphics paired up with jaw-dropping detailing in every possible instance, so that you won’t feel tired any time soon. In this regard let me ask you a question… Well, how many times have you watched the Studio Ghibli movies yet?

These projects can be rewatched several times without boring you out for sure. The great news is that almost all of the Studio Ghibli movies are available on Netflix.

Not only these Studio Ghibli stories are relatable but the direction along with the theme of each of the movies are enough to mesmerize you completely taking you to some distant location where there is only you and your precious time and space.

Special credit goes to the wonderful directors, Hayao Miyazaki, Isao Takahata, Goro Miyazaki, and Yoshifumi Kondo. Their special talent transformed the Studio Ghibli universe into an enigmatic destination.

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But coming to our topic of discussion today, which is the top sibling bonds that we witnessed in this adorable universe. Sure there are some good and there are some bad, but what can we do, they are siblings right?? Thus, without any further delay let us jump straight to the argument…

Beginning with-

Table of Contents

Top 7 Studio Ghibli Siblings Ranked From Least To Best

7th-Only Yesterday

Taeko and her sisters in the Studio Ghibli Siblings category/ Picture Credit- Studio Ghibli
Taeko and her sisters in the Studio Ghibli Siblings category/ Picture Credit- Studio Ghibli

This movie nurtures some childhood memories of the lead Taeko Okajima who is a 27-year-old lady living a secluded working life in Tokyo. However, she prefers country life to the life she lives. The story centers around her annual visit to the countryside where she takes up farming during her stay. This time, she gets surrounded by her 11th-year self.

We see Taeko has two elder sisters. Taeko being the youngest sure received some form of affection from the oldest, however, shared a non-cordial relationship with her middle sister. She was not at all soft with the kid in the house.

In the present time also, we see, Taeko talking over to the oldest sister on her landline. Taeko proved that being the youngest in the house sure is not a sweet term always.

6th-From Up On Poppy Hill

Umi and her siblings in the Studio Ghibli Siblings category/ Picture Credit- Studio Ghibli
Umi and her siblings in the Studio Ghibli Siblings category/ Picture Credit- Studio Ghibli

The lead Umi is the eldest of the family and is currently in 2nd year in high school. Though young she takes care of the entire family.

She lost her father in the Korean war and currently, her mother is in the US studying medicine. She helps her granny with the boarding where she cooks does the laundry, and never asks for any help from her siblings.

The verdict states, that her siblings are sure lucky for having such a great eldest sister. However, Umi has poor luck in this regard. They seemed inconsiderate and self-absorbed most of the time in the movie, thinking very little about their big sister and her contributions to the family.

5th-Whispers Of The Heart

Shizuku and her sister in the Studio Ghibli Siblings category/ Picture Credit- Studio Ghibli
Shizuku and her sister in the Studio Ghibli Siblings category/ Picture Credit- Studio Ghibli

The modern story has a sibling duo that shares a high gap. The youngest is the lead and is in Junior High. She shows the life of a typical teenager who remains self-absorbant all the time prioritizing only her needs, still staying in favor of their parents.

On the other hand, we find the eldest one managing the cordial relationship with the aunt, taking time with her parents, and doing the house chores too. She is a working lady who plans to move out, leaving the whole room to her sister.

Though appearing dominating in instances the big sister cares for her sister a lot. She gets infuriated when her sister declares he won’t attend high school. She wants her to stay focused and advises her to take her actions seriously, just like any typical eldest sister would normally do.

Although there were issues, still Shizuku and her big sister loved each other. The moment she hears that her big sister will move out, she feels sad.

In fact, we also find, Shizuku teasing her big sister with letters calling them love letters.

4th-Howl’s Moving Castle

Sophie and her sister in the Studio Ghibli Siblings category/ Picture Credit- Studio Ghibli
Sophie and her sister in the Studio Ghibli Siblings category/ Picture Credit- Studio Ghibli

The magical movie is a fantasy that centers around a young lady and her curse, along with several other important characters including Howl. Well, Sophie, the lead has a sister called Lettie. She works in a commercial place where men find themselves stalling up all the time. Partially it is also because of Lettie for she is a beauty.

Sophie is an elegant lady on the other hand, who has an enigmatic aura that Sophie genuinely lays obliviated. Her sister along with Howl confirms that she is beautiful.

Lettie worries about her sister’s future. She asks Sophie on her way out, does she plans to stay a hatter for the rest of her life. This question was not answered directly, but we know it now.

Also, Sophie went to meet her sister at her workplace just to make sure how is she doing.

Both the sisters though shared very minute screen time, but sure exhibited enough to stand 4th in this countdown. They showed love and care for each other in a genuine manner.

However, what captures your attention in the movie is the underrated sibling bond that Sophie shares with Markl, isn’t it?

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3rd-The Wind Rises

Jiro and her sister in the Studio Ghibli Siblings category/ Picture Credit- Studio Ghibli
Jiro and her sister in the Studio Ghibli Siblings category/ Picture Credit- Studio Ghibli

It is a wonderful film that shows the struggles, that a dreamer faces while he aims to reach his ambition. The movie shows Jiro and his narratives the entire time. Through his narrative, we get introduced to his baby sister whom he cherishes. We find the sister also showing love and care for her brother.

We find the girl coming to meet the young lad in his hostel. That night Jiro accompanies her sister on her way to their home. He is not only a responsible lad but a brother too.

In the later part of the movie we find, his sister showing stress over his bride. She cared for her genuinely and even cried at her leave. These small instances are enough to prove how much love this sibling duo shared with each other.

2nd-My Neighbor Totoro

Satsuki and Mei in the Studio Ghibli Siblings category/ Picture Credit- Studio Ghibli
Satsuki and Mei in the Studio Ghibli Siblings category/ Picture Credit- Studio Ghibli

Well, without a doubt this movie sure showed a wonderful story of two sisters Satsuki and Mei living a cheerful life with their father. They shift to the countryside to stay close to the hospital where their mother is admitted.

You will love the pair wholeheartedly. The elder sister Satsuki plays the role of a mother to her younger sister, Mei. She feeds hers, bathes her, and takes care of her in the absence of their parents.

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Mei loves Satsuki so much that she even goes to her school to stay with her.

Whenever she is in trouble instead of thinking about her mother or father, the first thing that pops up is Satsuki.

They complete each other amazingly.

1st-Grave Of The Fireflies

Seita and her big brother in the Studio Ghibli Siblings category/ Picture Credit- Studio Ghibli
Seita and his sister in the Studio Ghibli Siblings category/ Picture Credit- Studio Ghibli

Nothing can beat the storyline of Grave Of The Fireflies. It is a heart-wrenching movie that somehow relates to a practical situation that many suffered during the horrific Hiroshima and Nagasaki situations.

We find Seita the big brother taking care of his sister in every possible way amidst the terrible economy. Seita proved himself extraordinarily well and thus stands in the 1st position.

The siblings tried their best to survive the critical times. But failed, leaving each other, alone.

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Well, these are our selections from the Studio Ghibli siblings. So, do you agree, with our choices? Do let us know, in the comment section below.

But this is all for today, hope to, meet you all very soon in our next publication, Bye Bye…