7 Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl’s Moving Castle That Needs A Shout Out


Sophie and Markl moments from Howl’s Moving Castle are that sibling team that was made by fate and not by blood. Studio Ghibli sure portrayed some notable sibling bonds in almost all of their projects, but this beautiful connection that Sophie and Markl developed during the course of the whole movie sure needs a shout-out.

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Howl’s Moving Castle is a magical movie that is available on Netflix is directed by none other than the gold director Hayao Miyazaki. In addition to his marvelous touch in the movie, we find some other robust contributions such as the picturization, the music, and the stunning sequences, that wonderfully complete the project. With Chieko Baisho, Takuya Kimura, and Akihiro Miwa in the house, the movie amuses the audience wholeheartedly.

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Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl's Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli
Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl’s Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli

However, the underrated duo Sophie and Markl, from Howl’s Moving Castle needs a definite discussion. So, here we are with the top moments of Sophie and Markl from Howl’s Moving Castle that support this ‘not by blood’ sibling duo.

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Markl Meets Sophie

When the movie begins, we find Sophie having a minute conversation with her real sister. Precisely speaking her sister is concerned about Sophie and wants her to follow her life to the fullest. However, Sophie was not sure, since leaving Hatter, the place their father owned sure needed some management.

Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl's Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli
Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl’s Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli

Her sudden transformation to the old cleaning lady brings Sophie to the Howl’s Moving Castle. There she somehow manages Calcifer to let her stay because of the secret Calcifcer unwittingly shares on her arrival. But dealing with Markl was initially somehow difficult.

He acts strictly. Though a kid, he handles the meets and queries from Howl’s daily affair. He acted as a secretary of this Handsome wizard.

Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl's Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli
Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl’s Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli

But when he found that Calcifer obeyed Sophie(because of the secret), he was shocked. In addition, watching awestruck Sophie dealing with all the morning affairs made Markl doubt Sophie’s intention. To figure out the actual intent, he straightforwardly asks, if Sophie is a witch? Well, we find this similar instance quite a number of times in the movie.

Sophie And Markl The Cleaners Of Howl’s Moving Castle

Although having so many questions in the head especially after witnessing the magical note from Witch Of The Waste, we find Markl and Sophie enjoying a good breakfast. He lacks manner, which Sophie criticizes too. Then when we find the Cleaning lady is all for washing the sheets and cleaning the rooms and dusts, the kid helps her out.

Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl's Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli
Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl’s Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli

The duo saves the Turnip head that got stuck in the Howl’s Moving Castle.

Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl's Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli
Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl’s Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli

Later after finishing the household chores we find, they are preparing the wet sheets to dry with the help of Turnip head.

Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl's Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli
Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl’s Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli

They bask upon a delightful view and enjoy a peaceful tea time together rewarding their hard work.

Markl even helps Sophie with putting back the laundry inside, which was kind of sweet, right?

Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl's Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli
Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl’s Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli

Sophie And Markl The Caretakers Of Howl’s Moving Castle

Markl seconds Sophie in her morning grocery shopping. It genuinely seems that he loves her company. They share a good time, but chaos intervenes in their good time.

Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl's Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli
Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl’s Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli

During their time at the dock, Sophie finds out the henchman of Witch of the Waste. She alarms Markl then they try escaping the situation without making any noise. However, like already mentioned chaos intervenes.

Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl's Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli
Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl’s Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli

They quickly return. Markl fetches a glass of water for the old lady.

Mrs Pendragon On Her Return

Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl's Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli
Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl’s Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli

Sophie takes up the task of talking to Madame Suliman for letting Howl off, from the battle. However, their mission fails. Howl leaves Sophie and orders her to steer back home, directed with the light, shown by Calcifer. Just as she closes by, we find Markl waiting impatiently for his housemate on the balcony. Sophie seeks help.

Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl's Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli
Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl’s Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli

Just as she crashes the castle with her struggling landing, we find Markl arriving, and hugging Sophie for her safe return. The very next day, the duo helps each other with the mess. The Turnip head also assists them with its limit.

Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl's Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli
Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl’s Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli

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Sophie And Markl Once Again

After Howl enhances the interior with Calcifer’s help, things drastically get uplifted in the household. Sophie has her own room now. We find Markl greeting goodnight to Sophie and assuring her that his Master Howl will safely return. This was again a sweet gesture from this young would-be wizard.

Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl's Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli
Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl’s Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli

Sophie And Markl The Sibling Team We Want

When Sophie’s mother visits the premises, Markl feels skeptical about it the whole time. It seems some negative power has arrived suddenly in his abode and tries to tear apart the family.

Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl's Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli
Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl’s Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli

He directly poses a question to Sophie, whether she will run away like the others in the town? In fact, he fails to hold back his strict question and hugs the teen immediately pleading her to stay. He admits that he loves the old yet teen girl. Sophie assures him that she loves him too and she will stay since this is her family.

Sophie And Markl Saves The Day

Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl's Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli
Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl’s Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli

Well, the kid blindly follows the silver-haired teen in the next baffling instances. Sophie in her confused state of mind breaks down the castle, however, Markl never doubts her intentions. She asks Markl to take care of the Witch of the Waste, Markl obeys the girl without a budge.

Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl's Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli
Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl’s Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli

They work together in keeping their family together, during their hard time.

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These significant instances are bonded with their sibling energy, showing the audiences that this underrated duo definitely needs a shout-out. So, here we are, cheers to the Sophie and Markl team for saving Howl’s Moving Castle and uniting their strange but happy family, right??

Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl's Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli
Sophie And Markl Moments From Howl’s Moving Castle /Picture Credit: Studio Ghibli

Hope you can agree with our argument over this pure and sweet relationship that Hayao Miyazaki along with the whole Studio Ghibli team ended up bringing us to the audience. What do you think? Let us know in the comment section below…

But BYE BYE, for now, this is all for today, hope to meet you all very soon in our next publication…