Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?


Demon Slayer S2 EP9 was broadcasted worldwide on Sunday 30.1.2022 followed by the precedented fight sequence of the Upper Moon 6 and the demon slayers. With each episode being announced and launched, the viewers are witnessing some breathtaking fight sequences which are much more detailed than the debut season, choreographed with the exceptional skill set that engages the mood and your precious time on the series.

Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?
Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?

You will be gripped wholeheartedly leaving no space to get swayed just for a second. In the debut season, we watched Rui Lower Rank 5 stealing the thunder and infuriating the young slayer Tanjiro as well as the audience with his obsession to take away Nezuko from him. Now we are witnessing a somewhat similar situation where a brother-sister team fighting for their survival.

Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?
Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?

The last episode gave us a skeptical end where we wondered if Tanjiro managed to slash his blow or not? Demon Slayer S2 EP9 comes with the answer we waited for a week.

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The entire episode was grippingly mind-blowing, shaking the audience with nail-biting instances. So, what Demon Slayer S2 EP9 had in the store that stunned the anime watchers?

Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?
Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?

Let us get started with-

Instances From Demon Slayer S2 EP9 That Confounded Us Till The End

Gyotaru Recoveres

The kunai shot at the Upper Moon 6 was dipped in Wisteria fluid. Therefore recovering from the blow was impossible. However, Tanjiro, Tengen, and Hinatsuru were shocked to find Gyotaru regaining his limbs, regenerating with the same amount of stamina he had from the beginning, shocking the spectators as well, the fighters.

Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?
Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?

Being a practical Senpai, Tengen skillfully protects the young slayer from incurring a massive hit. However, this saddens Tanjiro. Moreover, surprising everyone Gyotaru vanishes from the spot that unnerves the demon slayers a bit.

Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?
Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?

Hinatsuru Is Charged

Well, the scenario was somewhat predictable since Gyotaru watched her directing the Kunai shots at him in the previous episode. So, attacking her was pretty obvious. But it was something, very much despairing on Tengen’s part.

Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?
Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?

We also find the demonic obi engulfing Tengen making him desperate and frightful.

Tanjiro Is Here Brother!!

Well, not to worry, for Tanjiro hates slacking off and being useless. Hence he rages off towards Gyotaru and manages to free Hinatsuru from the demonic clutches of the Upper Moon 6. But how right?

Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?
Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?

He uses his unorthodox method which was completely experimental as per the scene; he blends in his water breathing technique along with Hinokami Kagura, beating Gyotaru just for the moment, and adding an extra toll to his damaged vigor as well.

Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?
Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?

The Trio Joins Hand

Well, nothing like this happened ever in the Demon Slayer anime. We have watched either Inosuke and Tanjiro dealing against one demon or Zenitsu and Inosuke fighting together against one common enemy. However working as a team of three happened this time, and it was brilliant.

Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?
Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?

Their fight stances paired up with the amazing visuals captured us right? It was so awesome that some of us might have experienced goosebumps. The young slayers leave Tengen on his own though, trusting his capacity as a Hashira.

Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?
Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?

Tanjiro and Zenitsu work up on their skills as swordsmen and help Inosuke reach Daki’s head. The outcome was pretty satisfying.

The Final Blow

The twisting fate arrives when overconfident Inosuke was busy celebrating his victory running around with Daki’s head. The calm ambiance gave us a tingling sensation that something awful is about to happen. And just as predicted Gyotaru, literally backstabs Inosuke shocking us.

Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?
Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?

On the other hand, Zenitsu and Tanjiro dodge a deadly blow directed by the demonic obi. We also watch Tengen lying on his stomach with a decapitated wrist, adding more hopelessness to the end.

Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?
Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?

TOTT’s Take On Demon Slayer S2 EP9

These were the highlights that sum up pretty much of the Demon Slayer S2 EP9. Well, there were numerous instances that make the episode sweet and warm, but these instances make EP9 from the Entertainment District ARC gripping and too entertaining.

Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?
Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?

Also, do check out

Best From Demon Slayer: Entertainment District Arc Ep 8

Moments From Attack On Titan S4 Ep 3

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Also, you should check out the latest merch from Demon Slayer from here.

Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?
Demon Slayer S2 EP9 Moments: What Shook The Audience?

If by any chance we missed out on any point, do let us know in the comment section below. But bye-bye, for now, hope to meet you all soon in our next publication.