Geralt Of Rivia is an amazing character created by Andrzej Sapkowski who happens to be the main lead of the project. He is a monster slayer and is one of the legendary monster hunters of the Continent. The fictional character was once portrayed by Michał Żebrowski a Polish actor in its Polish installment which is titled The Hexer. However, in the Netflix original series, Henry Cavill a British actor brilliantly portrays the lead winning the OTT platform by storm.

The debut season was aired on 20th December 2019. The second season recently got a smooth launch on 17th December 2021 answering too many questions left from the previous season.
Coming back to the topic, which is Geralt Of Rivia is an amazing character who is not only responsible but also a sensible human who speaks philosophically and logically. The way of approaching life in Geralt’s shoes is quite interesting. But each of his steps comes with a deeper meaning.
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TOP 22 Quotes That Geralt Of Rivia From The Witcher Season 2 Speaks That We Can Discuss
‘Love and blood they both possess a mighty power. Learned man and mages have wracked their brains over it for years and they have arrived at nothing’
Isn’t this true? Just take your time to think it through. This man speaks freaking good.
2. ‘We don’t kill out of fear, we kill to save lives’
As a monster hunter, he sure knows his job pretty well.
3. ‘When I first came to Kaer Morhen Vesemir said to me that the world outside the walls is a dangerous place. But times are changing, even here. No where is safe now. You can run from the world, you can’t hide from it. But you can find power and purpose. A chance to survive the horror. This continent was meant for no one. All you have to do Ciri is keep your sword close and keep moving ‘
In Season 1 we find such a similar context, spoken by Calanthe to Ciri. Well, Ciri sure is lucky to hear the same sentence and advice from her near and dear ones repeatedly.
4. ‘Your stomach is growling loud enough to wake the dead if that counts’
A witty instance where we find Geralt of Rivia making jokes to his daughter, his princess.
That same episode gives us, the spectators, another proficient moment where the white wolf proves how good a father figure he is.
5. ‘Sir Lazlo would be proud’
He not only motivates his girl but also wins the audience’s heart, right??
6. ‘You can do anything, doesn’t mean you have to’.
Parenting game 101. Geralt of Rivia sure needs to go for publishing his own parenting book right?
7. His life lessons are deep, these prints a profound thought for everyone. He quotes
‘The trail will test you, force you to move beyond the pain, the fear, the failure until you become one with the killer itself. Remember hesitation will draw danger to you like fire. But trust the path you choose and it will protect you. Even in darkness; as long as you listen, always listen’
8. ‘You are brave, but let us help’.
Geralt of Rivia knows what he is up to, therefore he takes the most suitable path that brings no negativity with its approach.
9. ‘Some wounds cannot be healed, I understand that more than you know. I hope that in your search to feel again you feel your value to me ‘
Well, he knows his friends and foes too well. So, his cordial proposition, towards his friends, sure helps him make amends in the right way.
10. ‘No Witcher yet has died of old age lying in bed dictating his will, Vesemir. I have a girl to protect. I can’t just stay here’
He is the father figure we all wished to have.
11. ‘You want to help the elves by joining a kingdom that regularly massacres whole village? On the surface of, there seems to be a bit of a conflict there. Everyone has an agenda, even the helpful, few like yourselves’
Though going full judgemental still succeeds in making his point valid.
12. ‘I worry for you mages more and more, perhaps humans just shouldn’t live for so long’.
And he is absolutely right.
13. ‘You are already enough Cirilla, you are extraordinary’.
He speaks his heart out and this not only melts his daughter but us as well.
He goes on fully philosophical but genuine with-
14. ‘This is not how it works. Neither you nor I can just forget who we are. We can kill our feelings. Our best chance is to kill the hatred that we may hold onto and move on’
Additionally, he was also a great pet parent. His last words to Roach thus prove our point.
15. ‘Enjoy your last walk across the meadow and through the mist, Be not afraid of her, for she is your friend’
16. ‘Stand your ground.’
He believes his kid, thus he with his stern voice goes full Witcher mode and slays the Charnbog.
17. He also knows how to lighten the mood.
‘You got some catching up to do’
It is sure a great example of such an instance.
18. ‘I will not sit back and wait for something worse than a rogue mage and his agenda to happen to her. I wish Yen knew of the balance you spoke of, more than anyone you know I wish it. But I learned my lesson about Yen and wishes’
Again a similar situation where Geralt of Rivia knows his ground very subjectively.
19. ‘I missed you too’
He knows how to make up for his faults in the past.
20. ‘If she’s hurt Ciri, I may just have to kill her’
Well, he was damn serious in this regard.
21. ‘Mine… Mine Zigrin’
It is that fabulous approach that won several hearts from this season, right guys??
22. ‘I know you are afraid Ciri but what you see there isn’t real. We belong together. You, us. It’s not perfect, but it is real. It’s yours. We are family and we need you ‘
This emotional quote bore the power to bring back his possessed daughter to reality saving the family and saving the kid too.
Well, these are the fantastic lines spoken by our beloved Geralt of Rivia. Each of the sentences has its unique charm and presence in the entire season, thus each of the quotes put an impact on the mind; therefore here they are listed down by TOTT.
Make sure that you check out-
The Subtle Bond Between Tissaia & Yennefer From The Witcher Netflix Upon Which We Need To Talk
Also, if you are a fan you check out the amazing merches from the novel and the game from here.
Further, you can grab the books on the Witcher written by Andrzej Sapkowski by clicking down here.
But it’s all for today. Hope you are all doing amazing.
BYE BYE, for now, wish to meet you all very soon in our next publication. Bye Bye…
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